Category: Ailments


What are Dermoid Cysts?

Dermoid cysts are growths that consist of different skin components, including sweat glands, sebaceous glands, and hair. These cysts originate from cells that are deposited in the body during fetal development. While some dermoid cysts may not exhibit any symptoms and usually do not require any treatment, others can become visible or cause discomfort and...

by January 2, 2023June 26, 2023

What are Liver Spots?

Liver spots, contrary to popular belief, are not exclusively limited to the elderly population. These skin blemishes can affect individuals of any age. Liver spots, also known as age spots or solar lentigines, manifest as small areas of darkness on the skin. They come in a range of sizes and shapes, exhibiting colors that can...

by January 2, 2023June 26, 2023

10 FAQs About Colonics

Colonics, also known as colon irrigation or colon hydrotherapy, are a procedure that involves cleansing the colon, or large intestine, by introducing water into it through the rectum. A certified colon therapist is the only professional qualified to perform colonics. This treatment is often compared to a more advanced form of an enema and is...

by January 1, 2023June 26, 2023

10 Things to Know About Giant Cell Arteritis

Understanding the complexities of our cardiovascular system is crucial as it plays a significant role in transporting blood, nutrients, and oxygen throughout our bodies. Unfortunately, diseases like giant cell arteritis can negatively impact our blood vessels, specifically those located in the head and temporal region, leading to inflammation. This condition, also known as temporal arteritis,...

by January 1, 2023June 26, 2023

Long QT Syndrome Can Cause Arrhythmia

Long QT syndrome, a condition that disrupts the heart’s electrical system, can lead to arrhythmia. The normal functioning of the heart relies on the movement of ions in and out of cardiac cells, ensuring a regular heartbeat. However, when there is a defect in either the ion channels or the muscle fibers, it can result...

by January 1, 2023June 26, 2023

Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments of Cloudy Urine

Cloudy urine is a common occurrence that can be attributed to various factors. Normally, urine is a pale yellow color and translucent. However, there are instances when urine appears cloudy, taking on a hazy or milky appearance. It may even have a foamy texture. While this may cause concern, it is important to note that...

by January 1, 2023June 26, 2023