As we age, our bodies undergo various changes, and this includes the composition of our gut microbiome. The human microbiome consists of a complex ecosystem of bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites that reside in our gut. Interestingly, this microbiome follows a predictable pattern, with rapid changes occurring during infancy, followed by stabilization around the age...
Category: Aging
Ageotypes: Can Science Predict How You’ll Age?
The quest to defy the aging process has captivated humanity for centuries. Despite significant strides in research, much about aging remains enigmatic. While some individuals seem to age gracefully, others appear older than their chronological age. Remarkably, certain people maintain their health and vitality well into their golden years, while others battle serious medical conditions....
Free Radicals and Their Effects on Aging and Health
Exploring the Effects of Free Radicals on Aging and Health In recent years, free radicals have garnered significant attention due to their potential impact on our overall well-being. When the body is unable to effectively regulate the presence of excessive free radicals, it can lead to a condition known as oxidative stress. These unstable atoms...