Category: Skeletal System


What is Cartilage?

Cartilage, a tough and smooth elastic tissue, plays a crucial role in performing various essential functions within the body. It serves as a protective covering for the ends of long bones while also functioning as the primary structural component in body parts like the ears, nose, rib cage, and more. The human body consists of...

by June 16, 2023June 26, 2023

The Scapula and its Muscles

The scapula, commonly known as the shoulder blade, is often likened to wings or fins due to its flat, triangular shape. Its main function is to connect the thorax to the upper arms, providing stability and mobility for various upper body movements. To ensure its proper functioning, the scapula is supported by a complex network...

by June 16, 2023June 26, 2023

How Prosthetics Work

Prosthetics play a crucial role in the lives of individuals who have experienced amputation or limb loss. These remarkable devices enable people to regain some of the functionality they once had, offering a renewed sense of independence and freedom. Over time, prosthetics have evolved from simple tools that only assisted with basic functions to sophisticated...

by June 9, 2023June 26, 2023

The Sesamoid Bones

Sesamoid bones, first identified by the renowned second-century physician Claudius Galenus, are small bony nodules that form within tendons and are connected to ligaments. Despite being often overlooked, these specialized bones play a crucial role in maintaining stability and enabling specific movements within the body. Functioning as biological pulleys, sesamoid bones facilitate the flexion and...

by June 7, 2023June 26, 2023

All About the Meniscus

The meniscus is an interesting and distinctive structure made of fibrocartilage that has a shape resembling a crescent or a sickle. While there are multiple menisci in the body, the term is commonly used to describe the lateral and medial menisci found in the knee joints. Although each meniscus differs slightly in terms of shape,...

by June 1, 2023June 26, 2023

What is the Femur?

The femur, commonly known as the thigh bone, holds the distinction of being the longest bone in the human body. This remarkable bone extends from the hip and gracefully curves towards the midline of the body, ultimately reaching the knee. Not only is it the longest bone, but it is also the heaviest and strongest...

by May 28, 2023June 26, 2023

The Bones of the Legs

Our legs are an incredible marvel of engineering, enabling us to perform a wide range of activities such as walking, running, and swimming. However, we often fail to appreciate the complex system of bones that make up our legs. Comprising of ten bones that connect to ligaments and muscles, our hips and legs work together...

by May 27, 2023June 26, 2023

The Lumbar Vertebrae and Their Functions

In the lumbar region, the lower back comprises five cylindrical bones known as lumbar vertebrae. These vertebrae, identified as L1 to L5, play a crucial role in facilitating various bending and twisting movements of the spine. Additionally, they bear the majority of the upper body’s weight. Alongside protecting the spinal cord, lumbar vertebrae serve as...


What is the Radius?

The human forearm is comprised of two major bones that span from the elbow joint to the wrist joint: the ulna and the radius. Specifically, the radius, also known as the radial bone, originates from the lateral side of the elbow and extends towards the thumb side of the wrist. This essential bone connects with...


All About the Fibula

The fibula, also known as the calf bone, is one of the two bones located in the lower leg. It is positioned parallel to the tibia, which is commonly referred to as the shin bone. Despite its slender appearance, the fibula plays a crucial role in facilitating leg movement. Although both the tibia and the...

by April 30, 2023June 26, 2023