10 Foods to Avoid if You Have IBS

4: Fried Food Items

“But this was covered in the first item,” you might be saying. Well, a lot of people will ditch bacon, albeit reluctantly, and then think about changing up their oil. They think if they go from canola to a much healthier oil like avocado, they will be okay. This isn’t going to help. Fried foods cling onto that grease; and while avocado is way healthier than seed oils, your bowel will not be able to tell the difference. You can enjoy these foods in moderation, though it’s better if you don’t.

5: Caffeine

How will people make it without that coffee in the mornings? Believe it or not, studies show that it’s the habit of the coffee that becomes that “wake me up” perk, not the coffee itself. Decaf varieties can scratch that same itch. Caffeine stimulates the body’s digestive system, which isn’t a good thing at all for people with IBS. The same goes for most teas and soft drinks as well. It’s better to avoid caffeine while you manage your IBS.

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