Category: In Practice


Learning to Manage Feelings of Despair

When faced with factors such as health troubles, financial difficulties, emotional traumas, and looming deadlines, it is common for feelings of despair to arise. These emotions can be further compounded for individuals dealing with mental health issues. The mere thought of getting through the day can evoke a sense of dread. However, it is important...

by June 19, 2023June 26, 2023

Psychodynamic Theory: Freud and Beyond

The concept of psychodynamic theory delves into the intricate relationship between the unconscious mind and its influence on human behavior. Dating back to the pioneering work of renowned neurologist Sigmund Freud, this theory serves as the foundation for modern therapy. Its core principle revolves around the exploration of human development and interactions, and it has...

by June 3, 2023June 26, 2023

Take Back Your Holiday Season With Mindfulness

The holiday season often evokes feelings of nostalgia for some, but for many, it can also become a source of stress and overwhelm. The pressure of Christmas shopping, navigating through holiday traffic, and the never-ending social commitments can easily take a toll on our emotional well-being. However, incorporating mindfulness into our lives can provide a...

by May 10, 2023June 26, 2023

Dealing with the Everchanging Future Caused By COVID

In the year 2022, the world finds itself in the midst of the third year of the unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic. With the ever-evolving restrictions, fluctuating transmission rates, and emergence of new variants, it is challenging to envision the future as anything other than bleak. However, it is important to recognize that our apprehensions and the...


How EMDR and Other Therapies Help People Cope with PTSD

Dealing with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can be a challenging journey for individuals who have experienced traumatic events. According to the World Health Organization’s mental health survey, about 70 percent of people have encountered a trauma at some point in their lives, whether it be the loss of a loved one, a life-altering injury, or...


Benefits of Teaching Your Child Mindfulness

The concept of mindfulness has grown significantly in popularity in recent years, even though it has been a fundamental aspect of Buddhist teachings for centuries. In addition to its spiritual significance, practicing mindfulness can effectively alleviate stress and anxiety, as well as enhance one’s overall sense of well-being. As mindfulness gains traction among diverse populations,...

by April 30, 2023June 26, 2023

Research-Backed Ways to Make New Friends

Despite the abundance of people inhabiting the planet, forming genuine friendships and connections is not a simple task. Scientific studies have shown that having friends and nurturing close relationships significantly enhances overall well-being. Surprisingly, research indicates that the majority of individuals have not successfully made a new friend in the past five years. While it...

by April 20, 2023June 26, 2023

Is Cognitive Therapy Good for COVID?

Studies indicate that COVID-19 can have severe and lasting implications on brain function. Additionally, the pandemic’s psychological toll and the limitations it has imposed on daily life have unquestionably had a negative impact on mental well-being. However, cognitive therapy is increasingly being recognized as a potential solution for addressing both the immediate and long-term consequences...

by April 19, 2023June 26, 2023

What Is Doom Scrolling?

Doom scrolling, a term coined to describe the act of endlessly consuming online content, has become a prevalent behavior in today’s digital age. This phenomenon is made possible by the infinite scroll feature found on various social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. While the inclination to engage in doom scrolling is not...

by March 15, 2023June 26, 2023

Color Psychology in Marketing and Beyond

Color has captivated people for centuries, and the study of color psychology has a long history, dating back to 1810. Color psychology delves into the impact that colors have on human behavior, and its applications can be found in various aspects of contemporary life, particularly in branding and advertising. Advocates of color theory assert that...

by March 10, 2023June 26, 2023
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