Lyme Disease: 10 Signs To Watch For

8. Joint and Muscle Pain

Having pain in your muscles and especially your joints is one of the most common symptoms of lyme disease. There’s just something about this bacterial infection that works its way into your joints and muscles. It may first start out as just some discomfort, then some cramping. Soon, however, it’s likely going to turn into dull, painful aches that make you think you have arthritis. The tell-tale sign of lyme disease pain vs. other issues is that the pain will happen at random and typically change spots. So your sore muscle on Monday turns into knuckle joint pain on Tuesday.

9. Sudden Onset Headaches

As with so many other symptoms on the list, there are all sorts of different reasons why you might get headaches. What sets a lyme disease headache apart from others, however, is typically the duration. This isn’t the sort of headache that pops up and is gone in a few minutes, like a stress headache. A headache from lyme disease can stay with you all day and work its way down into your neck and shoulders. They also often intensify with time instead of dissipating. If you’re experiencing this sort of symptom, you want to have it checked out.

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