Category: Women’s Health


Everything You Need To Know About Nabothian Cysts

Nabothian cysts, alternatively referred to as cervical cysts, mucinous retention cysts, or epithelial cysts, are small growths that emerge on the cervix of women. The cervix, or cervical canal, serves as a connection between the vagina and the uterus. While nabothian cysts are a relatively common condition, it is essential to note that they do...

by June 20, 2023June 26, 2023

What Exacerbates PMS Symptoms?

Many women encounter a range of symptoms before their monthly menstruation begins. This period, known as premenstrual syndrome (PMS), can manifest as mild or severe symptoms, or some women may not experience it at all. Although the causes of PMS and its more intense form, premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD), are not yet fully comprehended, studies...

by June 19, 2023June 26, 2023

10 Important Facts about Vaginitis

Vaginitis is a prevalent condition characterized by inflammation and irritation of the vagina. Common symptoms include itching and abnormal discharge. The inflammation can be caused by various factors, such as imbalances in vaginal bacteria or infections. In some cases, pre-existing skin conditions can also trigger vaginitis. Different types of vaginitis exist, each with its own...

by June 14, 2023June 26, 2023

What Exactly is Mittelschmerz?

For many women, the discomfort preceding their menstrual cycle is nothing out of the ordinary. The vast majority, around 90%, regularly endure bloating, headaches, cramping, breast tenderness, and mood swings as telltale signs of their impending period. However, there is a subset of about one in five women who also experience a distinct, dull pain...

by June 14, 2023June 26, 2023

What Women Over 40 Should Know About Their Health

As we age, we all experience various changes such as wrinkles, memory lapses, and body aches. While some of these changes are common for both men and women, women over 40 encounter specific health challenges. It is crucial for women in this age group to be aware of what to expect and take necessary measures...

by May 31, 2023June 26, 2023

Causes of Vaginal Itching

Experiencing an itch in the intimate area can be both bothersome and awkward. Vaginal itching not only brings discomfort but can also lead to pain, making it necessary to identify the underlying cause. Numerous factors contribute to this irritating symptom, with varying degrees of severity. Douching: Understanding the Risks and Misconceptions Over the years, douching...

by May 27, 2023June 26, 2023

Should You Switch to a Menstrual Cup?

For many women, tampons and sanitary napkins have been the go-to option for managing their monthly periods. However, it is becoming increasingly clear that these disposables may not be the best choice for our bodies or the environment. Not to mention, the long-term cost of using these products can really add up. Fortunately, a viable...

by May 22, 2023June 26, 2023

Fallopian Tube Inflammation: Salpingitis

Salpingitis, a specific type of pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), refers to the infection and inflammation of the female reproductive organs. In the case where the fallopian tubes are affected by PID, it is commonly referred to as salpingitis. These slender, four-inch tubes are responsible for transporting eggs from the ovaries to the uterus. Recognizing the...

by May 21, 2023June 26, 2023

Factors That Can Affect Your Period

When it comes to your menstrual cycle, several factors can potentially impact its regularity and intensity. Experiencing sudden changes in the length or severity of your period can be distressing, leading to concerns about underlying health issues. The fear of late periods can also trigger anxiety and anticipation, only to end in disappointment. However, it...

by May 20, 2023June 26, 2023

Mammary Duct Ectasia is Not Breast Cancer

While the symptoms of mammary duct ectasia may resemble those of breast cancer, it is important to note that these two conditions are not connected. It is crucial for individuals who observe any changes in their breast tissue to consult a doctor in order to determine the cause and to rule out or diagnose any...