10 Effective Causes and Treatments for Mouth Ulcers

Mouth ulcers are painful sores that can develop inside the mouth. While there are numerous causes and symptoms associated with mouth ulcers, some are more prevalent than others. Although these ulcers can be uncomfortable and disrupt eating, they are typically not serious and can be managed at home. Medical attention is only necessary if the ulcers persist for more than a week. These ulcers can appear in various colors and often manifest as round sores on the tongue, inner cheeks, or lips. It is important to note that mouth ulcers are different from cold sores and should not be confused with them.

Viral Infections

Mouth ulcers are often caused by viral infections, particularly cold sores. Cold sores, along with other viral infections like chickenpox, are quite common. Although ulcers may not resemble cold sores in appearance, they can be caused by the same herpes simplex virus. When dealing with an ulcer, especially during a viral infection, it is recommended to stick to a plain diet and avoid consuming salty or acidic foods and drinks until the ulcer subsides.

Vitamin Deficiency and Mouth Ulcers

Mouth ulcers can be caused by deficiencies in certain vitamins such as iron, vitamin B12, or folate. However, it is important to note that this side effect is relatively rare. Vitamin B12, for example, plays a crucial role in the production of red blood cells and DNA. As you age, the likelihood of developing a B12 deficiency increases. It is worth mentioning that an ulcer alone does not necessarily indicate a vitamin deficiency. While some individuals may experience oral symptoms, a swollen tongue is more commonly associated with this condition. If you have been diagnosed with a vitamin deficiency, treatment may involve dietary changes, supplementation, or both. In some cases, your doctor may administer injections, and a dentist may recommend an antibacterial mouthwash to alleviate symptoms.

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