Foods That Trigger Gout and How To Prevent Flares

Certain Fruits

Dates, lychees, pears and plums have high fructose contents, and gout patients should opt for lower-fructose fruits when they can. Apples, melons and berries are safer choices. If the patient consumes high-fructose fruits on a particular day, it’s important to reduce the fructose and purine content of the day’s other meals to lower the risk of a flare.

High-Fat Dairy Products

Some healthcare professionals advise gout patients to limit their intake of whole milk and other high-fat dairy products. Full-fat dairy products tend to be high in saturated fats. Consuming these products could lead to weight management issues and an increased risk for flares. Gout patients may want to consume lower-fat dairy items, including low-fat cheese, skim milk and low-fat yogurt. Nonfat dairy options are safe to consume, too.

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