10 Important Facts About Cardioversion

Cardioversion is a medical procedure used to reinstate a regular heartbeat in individuals suffering from arrhythmias, which are characterized by excessively fast or irregular heartbeats. Healthcare professionals employ two primary approaches to restore a normal heart rhythm: medication and electrical shock, commonly known as electrical cardioversion.

Who Can Benefit from Cardioversion?

Cardioversion is a medical procedure commonly used to treat atrial fibrillation, a condition characterized by irregular electrical impulses in the atrium, leading to a fast or irregular heartbeat. This procedure is often recommended by doctors to restore a normal heart rhythm and alleviate symptoms associated with arrhythmias. Furthermore, cardioversion is also utilized in emergency and life-threatening situations to stabilize a patient’s heart rate and prevent further complications.

Symptoms of Arrhythmia

Recognizing the Symptoms of Arrhythmia

Arrhythmia, a condition characterized by an irregular heart rhythm, does not always produce noticeable symptoms. In fact, many individuals with arrhythmia may not realize they have the condition until a routine health screening with their doctor. However, certain signs may indicate the presence of arrhythmia.

Feelings of fatigue and lethargy are common symptoms experienced by some individuals with arrhythmia. These individuals may also find themselves easily short of breath or feeling lightheaded during physical exertion. Additionally, some people may be able to sense that their hearts are beating too quickly or irregularly.

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