10 Kidney Infection Signs and Symptoms

If you’re worried that you might have a kidney infection, then you’ll want to know the common signs and symptoms to watch out for. Clinically known as pyelonephritis, this condition can occur when bacteria gets into the kidneys. This is most commonly the result of a bladder infection. While acute kidney infections certainly occur, they are less common than most other urinary tract infections. The following symptoms are also seen in pelvic inflammatory conditions and appendicitis.

1. Changes in Urination

Urine serves the important task of moving extra water and waste out of the body. If you notice any change to your usual urinary pattern, then this could be the result of a kidney infection. The kidneys are responsible for making and moving urine. Problems here will most commonly affect your urination. Both the frequency and consistency can change. Many people describe this as a persistent and overwhelming urge to go that most frequently occurs at night. This tends to be an early warning sign of kidney infections.

Be on the watch for color changes as well. Your urine might be significantly darker even if you’re drinking adequate water. It may also have many bubbles, foamy or smell bad. Pus and blood may also be present, and you may feel discomfort or pressure when going.

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