15 Foods High In Iron

Iron is essential to the body. It produces new blood cells and helps our muscles and immune system. Iron-rich diets maintain energy levels, produce energy, and aid in muscle function. The recommended daily allowance for iron is 8mg for men and from 8mg to 18mg for women. For vegans and vegetarians, the allowance is slightly higher. The daily iron consumption allowance isn’t met by many people. However, this problem is easily solved by eating more iron-enriched foods. It should be noted that you don’t combine iron with coffee or dairy as it may inhibit your absorption of iron.


Lentils are high in fiber, carbohydrates, protein, potassium, manganese, folate, and iron. They’re also low in calories, glycemic index, and fat. A half-cup of cooked lentils provides 32% of daily fiber intake. Fiber is known to lower blood cholesterol levels and may prevent colon cancer and diabetes. You get around 12 grams of protein in just a half-cup. When it comes to iron, a half cup of cooked lentils provides 15% of daily needs. Soak your lentils overnight to reduce phytic acid, an iron inhibitor.

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