10 Symptoms and Treatments of Sebaceous Cysts

Sebaceous cysts are a common occurrence that may cause concern if you discover a small lump beneath your skin. It can be difficult to determine whether it is an ingrown hair, pimple, or something more serious. Although tempting, it is not advisable to pop or squeeze these cysts. Typically found in hairy areas of the body, sebaceous cysts are benign and pose little threat to your health. However, certain circumstances such as infection or rupture may require medical attention.

Symptom: Fluid-Filled Bump

If you notice a swelling beneath your skin that seems to contain a liquid substance, it could be indicative of a sebaceous cyst. This particular skin ailment is recognized by the presence of a bump that develops from the sebaceous gland, responsible for producing oily lubrication for the hair and skin. While there are other conditions like epidermoid or pilar cysts that are often mistaken for sebaceous cysts, it is important to note that they do not originate from the sebaceous glands.

Symptom: Location

Sebaceous cysts can appear in various areas of the body, such as the upper arms, back, torso, face, ears, and scalp. In men, it is common to find sebaceous cysts on the chest and scrotum. Areas of the body with more hair are more prone to the development of sebaceous cysts. Prolonged presence of this skin condition may lead to baldness in the affected area. If you notice a growth resembling a sebaceous cyst on the palms of your hands or soles of your feet, it is important to consult a doctor as these areas do not typically develop this type of cyst. Additionally, seek medical attention if the cyst is located in a constantly irritated area.

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