10 Symptoms of an Ulcer

6. Bloodly Vomit

Ulcers are essentially open wounds within the digestive system. As such, they often bleed out into the organs associated with digestion. People with ulcers are typically unaware that this is happening. But sometimes ulcer induced nausea will show signs of that internal bleeding. People are often shocked to find that their vomit contains blood. What’s more, this blood is typically bright red since it hasn’t had time to move through the intestines.

7. Oddly colored stool

Ulcer-induced bleeding can come out in vomit. But it’s far more common for it to move through the intestines along with feces. People with ulcers often notice that their stool comes out with odd discoloration. The afflicted individual might not even recognize the discoloration as blood. This is due to the fact that the blood has traveled through the full length of the GI tract. This process results in blood taking on a dark black or even tarry appearance within the stool.

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