10 Symptoms of an Intestinal Obstruction

2. Cramping

A lot of people have abdominal cramping. The cramps you would get from an obstruction in the intestine would be a special sort of pain; you would definitely be able to tell that something was off. Most people who suffer from these sorts of cramps describe them as the pain associated with having to urgently have a bowel movement, but it just feels stuck in place and the pain doesn’t relent. This is the intestine contracting and trying to move the waste through, while it cannot because of the obstruction. It can be quite painful.

3. Bloating

Many people suffering with intestinal blockages might not realize it because they’re still able to pass gas. They become very bloated, but since some gas is still able to eek its way through, they ignore all the rest of the symptoms of a blockage because they assume things must not be blocked off. You can have a blockage and still pay gas through. Gas only needs very little space, whereas waste needs the tract to move. So just be aware of what’s happening so that you can quickly act if you do think you’re blocked off.

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