10 Telltale Signs of Panic Attacks

Panic attacks are characterized by intense feelings of anxiety or fear that can endure for a few minutes or persist for an hour or even longer. On average, a panic attack typically lasts between 20 to 30 minutes. These unsettling episodes often arise unexpectedly, lacking any identifiable cause, although they can also manifest in response to specific triggers. While panic attacks are generally not life-threatening, experts recommend that individuals who frequently experience them should acquire coping mechanisms and avoid potential triggers. To meet the medical criteria for a panic attack, an individual must encounter at least four of the numerous physical symptoms associated with this condition.


Hyperventilation can be triggered by panic attacks. During a panic attack, individuals may start breathing rapidly and shallowly, or inhaling deeply as if they are not getting enough oxygen. These symptoms often intensify the person’s distress and anxiety, making the situation even more challenging.


Panic attacks can cause dizziness, which is commonly reported by individuals experiencing these episodes. The dizziness can manifest as feelings of light-headedness, a sense of imbalance or loss of equilibrium, or even mild vertigo where everything seems to be spinning. This symptom may be attributed to the reduced oxygen supply to the brain resulting from hyperventilation. Generally, the dizziness subsides within a few minutes. However, in severe cases, it may escalate to the point of fainting or falling.

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