10 Treatments of Bursitis

4. Massages

As mentioned above, the muscles and the joints are very different here, though are also linked with ongoing bouts of bursitis. The more your joints suffer, the more the muscles compensate. They tense up to help but that just ends up putting pressure on your joints, which can actually cause the sacs to become more inflamed and that will end up making your bursitis even worse. Getting a good, relaxing massage sometimes is a great way to relax those muscles so that they’re not stressing the joints as much.

5. Always Use Padding

Most people who get bursitis are men over 40. These men are still too young to retire so must work, though they’re just at the right age where different things are going to cause those bursae to really flare up. Of course, men aren’t the only ones who get bursitis, so anyone with this condition who’s in the workforce should consider wearing some type of padding, especially on their knees. Providing a cushion is going to help those sacs not to become any more inflamed than they already are.

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