What is Black Mold?

A. niger’s Misconceptions

There are several misconceptions surrounding A. niger, one of which is its alleged ability to cause a severe lung disease called aspergillosis. However, it is important to note that this claim is highly uncommon and it is actually other strains of the Aspergillus fungus that are responsible for causing this illness. Instead, the most frequent condition resulting from repeated exposure to A. niger is otomycosis, a fungal infection that affects the ear. Symptoms of otomycosis include pain and temporary hearing loss.

S. Chartarum Claims

Since its discovery in 1837, S. chartarum has been associated with various medical claims. This particular mold thrives in environments with high levels of humidity or moisture, typically found in cellulose-rich building materials. Researchers have suggested a possible connection between the presence of this mold and sick building syndrome, a condition where individuals residing or working in the same building experience unexplained illness. Additionally, there have been assertions that S. chartarum can cause idiopathic pulmonary hemorrhages or bleeding in the lungs, affecting both animals and humans. Reports of the adverse effects of black mold date back to the early 1900s, when numerous farm animals in Russia perished due to the presence of black mold in their feed.

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