What is Esotropia?

Esotropia, commonly known as crossed eyes, is a type of strabismus characterized by the inward turning of one or both eyes. This condition can be either constant or intermittent, and its classification is determined by the age at which it appears and whether or not it can be corrected with glasses.

Understanding Infantile Esotropia

Infantile esotropia, also known as congenital esotropia, is a condition where a child’s eyes turn inward excessively. It is quite common for more than 75% of infants to be born with misaligned eyes. However, within the first three months of life, the eyes gradually align and become coordinated.

During the early stages of development, the bridge of an infant’s nose is not fully developed, which may cause the child to appear to have esotropia. This false appearance is referred to as epicanthus. As the bridge of the nose narrows and more of the white part of the eyes is revealed, the eyes will start to appear normal.

However, in cases of infantile esotropia, the child’s eyes exhibit a significant amount of inward turning, indicating a true condition. This condition usually becomes noticeable between two to four months after birth.

Complications Associated with Infantile Esotropia

When infants have misaligned eyes, it often leads to a condition known as infantile esotropia. One common symptom of this condition is cross fixation, where the child uses their right eye to look at the left side, and vice versa. Unfortunately, this can result in complications that affect the child’s gross motor skills development.

Typically, babies with infantile esotropia experience abnormal progression in their gross motor skills. They may find it challenging to transition from rolling and slithering to standing. This delay in development can cause frustration for both the child and their parents.

In more severe cases of infantile esotropia, surgery may be the only viable treatment option. Although this surgical procedure can make the eyes appear straight, it does not guarantee the attainment of two-eyed vision. Therefore, it is crucial for parents to consult with healthcare professionals to explore alternative treatments and therapies that can help alleviate the complications associated with infantile esotropia.

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