10 Causes of Low Blood Pressure

Allergic Reactions

Most allergic reactions are not incredibly serious and won’t impact blood pressure levels, but on rare occasions, serious reactions can have drastic effects on circulation. A dangerous allergic reaction known as anaphylaxis can significantly hinder blood flow and drop your blood pressure. Likewise, being exposed to foods, materials, or substances that you’re allergic to can cause a strong reaction that results in poor circulation, swelling in the throat, and dizzy spells.

Nutrient Deficiency

Unhealthy diet is often linked to high blood pressure, but it can even cause your vitals to swing too low as well. Missing out on vitamins and proteins can hinder blood flow. The amino acids that are found in vitamins and proteins seek to assist your body in its production of red blood cells. When your body lacks red blood cells, anemia sets in and your heart struggles to keep your blood pressure properly in check.

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