10 Diverticulosis Foods to Avoid

5. Produce Skins

Potato and apple peels (among many other skins) have a lot of nutritional value, though they also have a lot of insoluble fiber. This means that these items aren’t going to break down like the actual meat of the product. This, of course, means coarse waste that’s scraping along the colon walls and causing the diverticula to become inflamed. This is also going to lead to some waste being trapped. It’s better to avoid fruit and vegetable skins.

6. Spicy/Hot Foods

Even people with healthy bowel functions often regret eating spicy food. “It burns going in, and coming out,” as most will proclaim, and this isn’t good at all for people with diverticulosis. This is going to cause much more pain in someone with this issue than someone without it. Those little bulges are going to become inflamed and start throbbing, and this can lead you to experience pain in that region that lasts for days, even if you eat a minimal amount of spicy food. It’s something to avoid altogether.

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