10 Diverticulosis Foods to Avoid

7. Whole Grains

Diverticulosis demands a specialty diet and thus is one of the only diets on this earth where whole grains are considered a no-no but white rice and white bread are considered okay. The reasoning behind this is that whole grains contain a lot of fiber. Fiber, of course, comes in two forms. One will make you go to the bathroom even more regularly, which is not good, and the other will keep food from breaking down and thus scrape against the diverticula, which is also not good. So, whole grains are out.

8. Bell Peppers

Loaded with vitamins and minerals, bell peppers are very healthy. Though they’re also very high in fiber, and you know what that means from the other foods listed in this article. They’re just not going to break down the way other food items will, and this is not a good thing to eat with this condition. Now, of course, if you’re not experiencing a flare-up, you might be able to enjoy foods higher in fiber. But in the event you are, these sorts of items are definitely ones to avoid.

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