10 Home Remedies for Jock Itch

4. Garlic

Basic garlic has great antiseptic qualities and can really help to treat wounds and rashes. The idea here is to grind it up into a paste. You can buy garlic paste in tubes and use it, though it might be a little pricey. The easiest way to do this is to just grind garlic cloves into paste with a fork. Apply it gently to the infected area and allow it to stay on for around 15-20 minutes before washing it off. Garlic’s so powerful that you won’t have to do this very often.

5. Epsom Salt Bath

Epsom salt was likely your grandmother’s cure-all for everything from sore muscles to dislocated shoulders. It’s still used today by many for a lot of different ailments. The salt sucks out the moisture of an infected area, which leaves it too dry for the bacteria to continue to spread. Use your epsom as directed on the package and then rest in the sub for 20 minutes or longer. You can also use other sorts of salt for this, but it might really sting if you have jock itch. So be warned.

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