10 Symptoms of a Hiatal Hernia


Normally the stomach contents are unable to reach the esophagus due to the lower esophageal sphincter. This closes off the area to stomach acid. A hiatal hernia though can cause this area to weaken, which allows stomach fluids to flow to the back of your throat. There typically isn’t nausea when regurgitating, but it might be another symptom of this hernia. This is most commonly a bitter or sour liquid, but sometimes it’s tasteless and contains undigested food or mucus.


This is a common symptom for many conditions. This is typically a burning sensation in the lower throat or chest that is worst after eating, bending over or lying down. Since this is so common, heartburn is rarely considered a severe symptom. Those who experience heartburn very frequently might have a hiatal hernia. This can be a sign that the lower esophageal sphincter has been weakened as the hernia expands into the area.

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