10 Symptoms of a Hiatal Hernia

Recurring Hiccups or Belching

Once again, hiccups and belching are very common for most people. These are rarely a sign of more significant issues, but they can be. If either or both become excessive, very frequent, painful or feature abdominal bloating, then this might mean there is an underlying issue. This occurs alongside regurgitation, acid reflux and heartburn. Belching with this hernia might also feature a stinging sensation or you might experience a bitter taste in your throat.

Acid Reflux

Acid reflux and regurgitation might seem similar, but they are different conditions. Regurgitation is when acid and stomach contents flow into the back of the mouth while acid reflux means it flows into the esophagus. This can also lead to bloating, nausea, heartburn and coughing. This can also lead to trouble swallowing for some people. Chronic acid reflux will eventually damage the esophagus’s lining and will make it narrow. This can make swallowing difficult or even painful.

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