10 Symptoms of Liver Cirrhosis

6. Horrible Breath

There’s bad breath that all of us get. You wake up in the morning with a funky-feeling mouth, or you eat something that causes your breath to stink, etc. Though the breath that you may get with cirrhosis is horrid. It’s actually a buildup of dimethyl sulfide, so your breath reeks of actual sulfur, which many people describe as smelling like something has died. By the time your breath gets this bad, the cirrhosis is likely pretty advanced, though it is a tell-tale sign that you’re suffering from the condition.

7. Abdominal Fluid

Although this condition may initially look like basic bloating, there’s nothing basic about it. Nor is it a mere “beer gut.” Fluid in the abdominal cavity can happen due to ascites, and this can actually be a deadly condition. Most people who have cirrhosis will suffer from this, around 80%. The water can start to press on the organs inside and can ultimately kill you. It’s something that needs to be addressed right away.

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