10 Symptoms of Liver Damage

2. Abdominal Swelling

Swelling is another one of the more visually distinct symptoms of liver damage. The intestines, pancreases, stomach, and spleen all share the portal venous system within the body. Liver damage, particularly cirrhosis, can cause an accumulation of a protein-rich fluid called ascites within the portal venous system. This condition is known as portal hypertension. This condition ultimately results in swelling within the areas connected to the portal venous system. Namely the patient’s abdominal area.

3. Abdominal Tenderness

One might assume that abdominal swelling would create a direct link to tenderness in that area. However, abdominal tenderness is largely disconnected from swelling. The pain people experience with liver failure can range from a throbbing sensation to something closer to stabbing pain. And for the most part, this pain is localized around the right side of the abdomen or up into the rib cage.

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