Easy Treatments for Canker Sores

Canker sores, known for their painful nature, can pose a challenge due to their placement on the tongue, gums, or inner cheeks. The presence of these sores can intensify if they are situated near a tooth or hinder the brushing process. Although canker sores generally resolve within a week, they can cause immense discomfort during this period. Fortunately, there are uncomplicated methods to alleviate the pain and expedite the healing process of canker sores.

Choose a Gentle Toothbrush for Canker Sore Relief

When it comes to canker sores, the last thing you want to do is aggravate them with aggressive brushing using a stiff toothbrush. Opt for a soft toothbrush and brush with a gentle touch. In fact, most dentists advise using a soft or extra-soft toothbrush on a regular basis. While you may still feel some discomfort using softer bristles, this approach helps prevent further irritation and ensures a quicker healing process.

Rinse Your Mouth

When dealing with a canker sore, it is important to rinse your mouth frequently. Using a mouthwash that has antiseptic properties can help reduce the risk of infection and provide pain relief. If you prefer a natural alternative, a mixture of a teaspoon of salt in a cup of water can be used. In cases where there are multiple canker sores, a doctor may prescribe a rinsing solution with a steroid to reduce inflammation or lidocaine to numb the affected area.

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