How to Recognize the Onset of a Gallbladder Attack

4. Discolored Urine

One symptom of a faulty gallbladder, or even a diseased gallbladder, is urine that starts to change color on you, even if you aren’t changing your diet or what you drink. Gallstones have pigment in the bile, and this can leak out and cause your urine to turn a darker color, even making it dark brown. This may also result in urine that looks a lot more like blood. If you have this symptom, it should be taken very seriously and you should seek out a medical opinion at once.

5. Reduced Interest in Eating

The human body is an amazing thing. It communicates things to us constantly, though we rarely stop to listen. You can be hungry, but if you have no interest in eating, it might be your body’s way of telling you that you shouldn’t be eating. Your gallbladder could be faulty, and thus you’re getting signals that are telling you not to feed your body, because your gallbladder can no longer perform its task in releasing the bile to digest the fat you eat. There are other reasons that you could have this symptom, but you should still go and seek medical attention if you have no interest at all in eating. It’s not normal.

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