The Effects of Calisthenics and Some Exercises

Essential Equipment for Calisthenics

Calisthenics is a highly accessible form of exercise because it doesn’t require expensive or extensive equipment to get started. In fact, you can perform a variety of exercises using just your body weight and proper positioning. However, if you have access to certain equipment like rings, pull-up bars, resistance bands, and a dip station, you can expand your repertoire of exercises even further.


Push-ups are a popular exercise in calisthenics that can effectively target multiple muscle groups. It is essential to maintain proper form while performing push-ups to maximize their benefits. Start by placing your hands shoulder-width apart or slightly wider, ensuring that your body remains in a straight line from your toes or knees to your head. Begin the exercise by pushing up, straightening your arms, and then slowly lowering your chest back to the floor. If you find it challenging to maintain proper form or experience discomfort in your lower back, you can modify the exercise by lowering your knees to the ground. Push-ups primarily work the chest, arms, and shoulders, while also providing an opportunity to strengthen your core muscles when performed from the feet.

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