10 Exercises for Sciatica

6: The Dead Bug

Easier than it sounds, the dead bug stretch starts by lying flat on your back and bringing both knees up, just like with the knee-to-chest above. Only instead of holding them with your arms, you will do this with your own power and then extend both of your arms straight up to the ceiling. Flex your abdomen muscles and move your right arm down toward your left leg, and vice versa. Do a few sets of these, taking your time, and remember that this is a stretch, now a power workout move.

7: The Clamshell

With this stretch, you want to start out by lying on your side. Fold your knees up to be higher than your hips, and keep your feet together. All you want to do from this position is to begin moving your knee up and down smoothly and slowly. When toward your chest, try to bring it up as far as you can, feeling your muscles stretch and expand. Flip your side and begin this with the opposite knee, changing sides for different sets.

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