10 Exercises for Sciatica

8: The Slump Stretch

Find a place to sit where you’re flat on your butt though with your legs stretched out so that your feet are touching the wall, sort of bracing yourself against it with your soles. Straighten your back as much as possible and lock your hands behind your head. You want to bring your elbows forward and lean down toward your knees. Think of this like a sitting-up sit-up, if you can envision that. Go slowly and smoothly, stretch your back out.

9: The Opposite Shoulder

Very similar to the knee-to-chest stretch, you want to start here by lying flat on your back. Lift your right knee up (one knee at a time here), and brace and cradle it in your hands. Now, pull your right knee up toward your left shoulder as far as you can get it. Switch and start now with your left knee to the right shoulder. Complete these stretches for a few sets.

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