15 Foods to Avoid with Gallbladder Issues

4. Baked Goods

First, ice cream is off the list, and now baked goods. What is a person with a sweet tooth and gallbladder issues to do? Cookies, pies, and cupcakes all fall into the category of baked goods that must be avoided. Baked goods are loaded with trans fats and saturated fats. If you have issues with your gallbladder, your body has difficulty processing these fats appropriately. Thankfully, there are several low-fat options that are delicious, which could ease your craving for baked goods.

5. Fried Foods

It is no surprise that fried foods showed up on this list. Honestly, deep-fried foods are not suitable for anyone’s health. However, they are especially damaging to people who have gallbladder problems. Fried chicken, fried doughnuts, mozzarella sticks, and onion rings are only going to cause you to have cramps and stomach pain. Going to a fried food joint might be tempting after a long and busy day. But the painful side effects of indulging in fried food will give you a quick reminder of why people with gallbladder issues need to avoid these foods.

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