10 Natural Remedies for Swollen Ankles

Epsom Salt Foot Bath

Epsom salt can reduce the risk of fluid retention in your ankles. These salts are a mixture of sulfur, magnesium, and oxygen. The salt is also known as magnesium sulfate. To take the bath, put a few liters of warm water in a basin and add a cup of Epsom salts. Dip your feet in the basin and let them soak for about 30 minutes. You should do this every day to lessen the chances of fluid retention. Even after the swelling is gone, continue using Epsom salts to avoid the swelling in the future. Avoid scented Epsom salts as they can irritate your skin.

Massage your Legs

Massage increases blood circulation and reduces retention of fluids. If you already have full body massage regularly, you only need to pay special attention to the legs. If you haven’t had a massage for long, look for a spa that offers a lymph drainage massage. This technique enhances blood flow and improves lymphatic function. When done well, the massage will facilitate the movement of lymph in your body, minimizing the retention of fluids. The technique involves stroking the calves and the ankles up and down for about 10 minutes – this is something you can do by yourself.

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