10 Natural Remedies for Swollen Ankles

Inversion Yoga at Home

Inversion yoga elevates the feet, allowing fluids to drain. One of the most common poses is the viparita karani where you raise your feet and place them against the wall. Your feet should be raised perpendicular to your back with the lower back supported with a pillow. Hold that pose for about 20 minutes. This pose is important when you need immediate relief from ankle swelling. However, if you have high blood pressure, avoid this pose.

<2>Take Dandelion Tea

Dandelion can help your kidneys release more fluids from the body. If your ankles swell because of so many fluids in your body, an easy way to relieve the swelling would be to expel most of it in urine. When you drink dandelion tea, you urinate more, thus reducing the risk of fluid retention. Fresh dandelion is sweeter and more useful than the dried option at the local store. Again, if you can get organic dandelion, you will have more benefits as dandelion sprayed with weed killer can cause more health problems.

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