10 Symptoms of Shingles

Blurred vision

Sometimes, shingles can occur on your face. Shingles that manifest in and around the eye can lead to blisters on the eyelids. When the rashes rupture, they cause pain in the eye, which mostly clears over time after treatment. If left untreated, shingles of the eye poses can lead to serious eye complications such as blurred vision. Permanent scarring of the eye can occur if there’s swelling in the cornea.

Loss of hearing

Shingles that affect one part of the face can promote the development of rashes in and around the ear. If the infection is severe, it can lead to hearing loss in the ear affected. Besides hearing loss, shingle infections can create issues with balance when one ear is affected. It’s advisable to visit your doctor whenever you suspect you have ear shingles. Early diagnosis and treatment will help prevent permanent ear damage.

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