10 Causes of Canker Sores

2. Food Sensitivities

People who have food sensitivities are also prone to canker sores. The reason is that allergies produce histamines in the body, leading to issues such as anaphylactic shock in the body. In such a state, the body, especially sections of the mouth, becomes prone to sores in the throat. Usually, such sores occur when consuming common food products such as citrus fruits, strawberries, chocolate, or coffee. Products such as carbonated beverages, which contain various processed ingredients, can lead to inflammation and canker sores.

3. Nutritional Deficiency

People with health deficiencies are also prone to canker sores because it compromises various body functions. These can include poor immune functions, which are essential in dealing with the healing of wounds. You may have to evaluate your vitamin consumption levels if you experience chronic canker sores. Common nutrient deficiencies likely to lead to the issue include B12, folate, and iron. The solution, in this case, is to consume a nutrient-rich and well-balanced diet.

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