10 Causes of Canker Sores

4. Celiac Disease

Celiac disease is an illness that compromises the functions of the immune system. It usually occurs in intense gluten intolerance, where the digestive system can longer process proteins. The result is that the individual might experience diarrhea, constipation, and reduced body energy. Recent reports have also shown that significant people with celiac disease are also prone to canker sores. It shows that consuming even a small amount of gluten is sufficient to throw off the functions of the immune system.

5. Dental Products

While most dental products tend to be essential for hygiene purposes, not all are suitable for the mouth. The reason is that some products contain low-quality ingredients such as sodium lauryl sulfate. It’s an ingredient that is too aggressive on the dental structure and can eventually make you prone to canker sores. The reason is that ingredients such as sodium lauryl sulfate tend to break down the soft tissue in the mouth. When used for long-term dental health purposes, the user will eventually experience sores.

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