15 Home Remedies for Acid Reflux


Licorice is not common in most parts of the world, but it gives fast GERD relief. Avoid the red version of the licorice root in convenience stores and go for deglycyrrhizinated licorice root, which is the natural licorice root. The deglycyrrhizinated licorice root is free of glycyrrhizic acid, which is dangerous for users. You can find these tablets in most food stores as they are offered as natural solutions for ulcers.

Sleep on your Left Side

Sleeping on your side keeps the sphincter muscle closed so that acid does not flow to your esophagus. Lying on the back can make the sphincter muscle to open. When you sleep on your left side, the sphincter muscle is above the level of the gastric acid and the fluid does not flow back. If you sleep on a slight incline, you will get relief from acid reflux.

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