10 Symptoms of Gastritis

Vomiting after a Meal

Vomiting is another common symptom for so many conditions. If you have gastritis, this is one of the least common symptoms. If you have all the other symptoms and then you start vomiting, it is an indication your condition is severe. It occurs after eating a heavy meal and most patients assume that the vomiting is a result of overeating. It is tempting to use over-the-counter medication to ease the symptom. However, taking any drugs to stop the vomiting can agitate the sensitive stomach and make gastritis worse.

Loss of Appetite

If you always feel full, you will have a low appetite. Again, once your stomach inflames, it is easily irritated by food. Your appetite keeps going under as gastritis worsens. You will be more sensitive to certain foods. Avoid spicy foods, alcohol, and coffee as they will worsen the symptoms. Loss of appetite comes with the stomach feeling full and the stomach lining not being able to function as it should. Once you start taking the gastritis medication, the appetite comes back.

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