15 Cholesterol Lowering Foods

4. Beans and Legumes

Beans and legumes, including lentils, kidney beans, and chickpeas, can lower blood cholesterol levels. They are rich in protein, making you feel full for longer so you can eat less. Beans and legumes have both soluble and insoluble fiber, facilitating cholesterol absorption in the gut. You can replace red meat with legumes to manage cholesterol.

5. Chia Seeds and Flaxseeds for Gut Health

Chia seeds and Flaxseed also have soluble and insoluble fibers that trap cholesterol and facilitate its excretion from the gut. They have plant-based omega-3 fatty acids and other compounds that manage hormonal balance. Chia seeds and Flaxseeds facilitate digestion and detoxification while reducing cholesterol in the body. You can incorporate it into yogurt, oats, or a smoothie.

6. Dark Chocolate for Heart Health

Dark chocolate can reduce levels of oxidized LDL while increasing healthy fats. It can also increase blood flow and manage blood pressure. Studies show its antioxidant activities are more powerful than most fruits, including blueberries. It is worth noting not all types of dark chocolate are beneficial to your health. The chocolate may contain sugar and other calories. Therefore, choose a bar of chocolate with 70% cocoa and consume in moderation for the best results.

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