10 Symptoms of Asperger’s Syndrome

4. Problems with Nonverbal Communication

Nonverbal communication is one of the more difficult parts of life for people with Asperger’s syndrome. The average person uses facial expressions, hand gestures, and even posture to communicate with others. Most people use these methods of non-verbal communication unconsciously. Likewise, the average person unconsciously recognizes those signs and can interpret them without needing to give it any real thought. But someone with Asperger’s syndrome needs to put actual conscious thought into using or interpreting non-verbal communication. People with Asperger’s syndrome tend to be naturally oblivious to the concept of non-verbal communication and would prefer not to use it.

5. Extreme Preoccupation with Routines

People with Asperger’s syndrome often feel like they’re in the midst of a very unpredictable world. They often think differently from others and have trouble understanding their emotions. As such it’s little wonder that someone with Asperger’s syndrome will tend to become fixated on routines, schedules, or even personal rituals. People with Asperger’s syndrome often live their life by timetables and set patterns. If they’re prevented from doing so they’ll often become extremely upset.

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